Short Film Challenge – Don’t Follow


The End Product :

Above is our film we put together after many hours of filming, I will now talk through the stages we went through to get to this end product.

The Brief

When we went into class in the morning, we were given a brief which gave us all the information about what our next project will be about also what requirements and rules we must stick to when making it. The Brief said that we will have the task of making a mini-film within a week. During the one week, we will be working in teams of 4-5 people to plan, film, edit and present the film to the rest of the class.

Our activities for planning were to complete :

  • storyboards
  • scripts
  • Recce
  • Production schedule

So when put into our chosen groups, we decided to split into a group of 3 and have a separate group of 2, as we all wanted to work together but couldn’t have a group anymore than 4 people. This then allowed us to work together and help one another with similar ideas. We then decided to create a sequel to whatever we were going to make, then both groups would be able to help film as well as be in the same location on the same day. The task at hand was to base this short film on the word ‘follow’ which we then in an instant, made a mind map – where we all brain stormed and created many ideas that then linked and lead to other new ones… a never ending cycle.


In pre-production, every member of the team including myself was very excited and couldn’t wait to get started, due to making a mind map, we all agreed on making a short horror film based on the word follow as indicated in the brief we were given. We came up with a name of our film – ‘Don’t Follow‘.


Beth Wreford, Nathan Dalton and Eden Perry-Thorne


Don’t Follow


 Nathan, Eden and Beth

A group of teenagers go into the woods for a camp out party. After setting up the camping gear and getting the disposable BBQ ready, teenager *1 goes off to the toilet but after 30 minutes, he hasn’t come back. 

Teenager *2 tries calling teenager *1 but there is no signal and the group goes of in search.

Whilst the group of friends are searching, strange and eerie noises are heard from all around them. They begin to panic, not knowing where they are as they have lost sight of where their campsite is but carry on searching.

Drag marks are seen along the foliage covered ground with small blood droplets and the group follows, in hope that it is their friend. The drag marks end at the base of a large tree. Dazed and confused, the group hushes when they hear eerie creaking noises; like something heavy swinging from a rope. They look up to see their friend hanging by the neck from a rope that is tied to the tree. A note in blood saying “DONT FOLLOW”. 

Panicked teenager *2, scared and in tears, wonders off yelling a shouting in distress. The others call after him but he’s wondered too far and the light from their phone torches can’t find him. The group begins to argue and a distant scream is heard. The group falls quiet and runs off in the direction of the scream but find nothing but a bloodied shoe. 

With only two out of the group left, they wonder towards a shadowed building in the distance as the sun begins to rise.  

Production Schedule


Recce Sheet


Cast List



Production was great! Eden, Ashton, Beth, Ben and myself went into lesson on the Thursday and instantly checked out with our teacher. We then caught the 9:30 am train to seaton which took around 30 minutes. We took the advantage to make equipment checks and setups of each camera to the same settings and resolution – by the time we completed our equipment check, it was time to get off the train. The next thing to do was to head over to Axminster via car. By the time we arrived at our filming location, it was around 11:00 am. Filming was very good and thorough, and we were strict with every shot we took – if we didn’t like it, we did it again until we were content.What we found difficult was not being able to preview our sound recording well enough. This then shed light on our concern that the sound quality would not be very succsessful. There weren’t any difficult obstacles that we faced therefore Production was fantastically eventful and ran smoothly.


Post Production was done as a group although I was the one taking most of the initiative in editing it on the mac and applying my skills from Level 2 media such as effects, transitions, sound enhancements, light exposure and a lot more. It was very enjoyable as we were all editing and near the ending of our very first project in level 3! Overall I would rate this project 8 out of 10 due to only being given 7 days to make it. If we were given more time to plan and film then I would of made alot more thorough contextual research to similar products to Dark thrillers and Horrors that are based in the woods.

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