The Stages of Producing a Film

Stage one : Pre-Production


To me pre-production is one of the most important stages when it comes to making a film. There are many documents to complete such as ; Screenplays, Risk Assessments, Production Schedules, Consent forms, Storyboards and so much more. Before even thinking about completing the documents, you must think of your idea and expand it to all the possibilities you can think of – The best way to do this is by making a Mind map.



A Screenplay is very similar to a script. It includes information like where the scene is located  – interior or exterior as well as time of day.It also includes what the characters are saying ie. Dialogue , Actions made.screenplay-example

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment explains itself really. Its a very important document which you must complete wether or not there are risks involved to where you are filming.risk-assesment

Production Schedule

In this piece of document, it will include when you will travel, film, do equipment checks, and take breaks. This then gives everyone in your team/crew times to when they need to be available.schedule-example

Consent forms

Consent forms are for you to hand to an Actors, Camera Operators and anyone else on set to sign. This then gives you permission to record and include them into your project.


This is something you and your co-directors must complete. It must show what scenes you will be shooting, what directions the camera will be flowing, what the characters are doing, sound descriptions and transitions to the next scenes.storyboard-example-1

Location Recce Sheet

This document is for you to fill out with information to what your location is called (fictional and non-fictional name), the availability of that location where you’re filming.recce-example-1

Call Sheet

A call sheet is like a location recce but instead it should include your production company, and their contact numbers etc. As well as the location contact numbers to where you’re

Character and Set Design

It pretty much speaks for itself, its a drawing of your set in Birdseye view, showing where props will be and cameras when recording . The character design is what you would want your character to be wearing as well as including their name and attributes.

Foley Sheet

A foley Sheet is a list of all the sounds you will be recording separately, then adding them in sync to the desired parts of your film in post production.foley-sheet-example

Props and Equipment List

Making a list of all the props you will need and equipment for your whole project is essential as you can then use it as a checklist before you go out to film anything, therefore you wont leave anything behind.


Stage Two: Production

The production stage is very straight forward, when planned and following your production schedule, you go and film in the locations your film is set in. Filming can stretch to one day to a space of a whole week or more. Once happy with what you have filmed, you are then ready to move onto the post production.

Stage Three: Post production

Your are now in post production! You have all the clips you need and a list of all the missing sounds you need to record. First thing’s first. Make sure you have all your clips stored all in one place – preferably on an external hardrive. Now with easy access  to your clips, you can then put them into order on the timeline, add effects, add transitions and so much more. If you are adding Foley sound into your film, you must record your sounds then add them in sync to the desired timecode. Then when you are happy with your final product, export and upload!

My Aspiration

When I leave college, my dream is to work in all the production stages in media, for the reasons that I have a burning passion for thinking, planning and creating amazing products and in Media alone, it is my dream Job and I am ready to pursue it.