Assignment 7 – Interactive Investigation

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The Home Page – The colour scheme is Black, Blue and white. The Contrast of these 3 colours is rather poor as it makes the text rather difficult to read. Personally this home page should be a lot more user friendly  there are many flaws with this:

  • The layout is simplistic and is easy to use although it isn’t very quirky and doesn’t stand out to the user/visitor as it lacks traits that appeal to the eye, such as animations etc.
  • Not very clear what they advertise or do when visiting the front page, It has a few simple imagery that is put together in a 3 slide slideshow. The only way to actually find out what they do is at the very bottom at the page but as the colour contrast between the text and background are not a good choice, it seems hard to read as well as it having a small font.
  • As for the navigation buttons at the top of the page, it has some indications as what services Crediton Media provide.

What they provide

Crediton media provide 3 services of which aware of is the following:

CD-DVD duplication – This is a service of which they duplicate your DVD’s if your an aspiring filmmaker or CD’s as well if you’re a musician.

Video production – Their Video Production page is not available but as seen on their blog, it seems like they to a variety of things such as filming performances, advertising and promotion videos for local events in Devon.

Camera Hire –  This is to provide cameras for customers who wish to rent one out for a certain amount of time. Despite there not being much of a variety of choice, their prices also seem rather reasonable.

As from anything else that I can find on the website, it seems like they dont provide any more services or sell any merchandise.

Research your Competition

Exeter Phoenix

The Lay out of the website is very simplistic and easy to access but with an abstract main menu in the center of the page – this sort of gives the visitor perception of creativity as there is no ‘normal’ way of doing something.


Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 15.56.33On the top right of their page, they have all of their social media platforms of where you can follow subscribe and tune in to they latest news and events as they are forever updating.

Their colour scheme is extremely simply but has excellent contrast between text and background as well as the logo. This helps to read all the information that is on the pages, I also love the layout and how easy it is to navigate through the website and find what you’re looking for. I do use this website every now and then but the way its designed and the look is very appealing.

Big Wave Media

Big Wave media as you can read on their ‘About us’ tab, they are all about digital marketing design and other digital services that are rather “cost effective”. I cant find their prices but it seems you can call them up to get a quote. As for their website layout, it is very slick and smart, the reasoning for this is for the imagery, colour and good contrast between text and background. Another great thing about this website is their information they provide about their company. The paragraphing is punctual and small but with enough information about each section.

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Big Wave Media – About us

On their front page that have really slick and unique animations of which are easy to use but with simple indicators of what is what. Screenshot 2017-03-16 at 10.13.37.png

This is a great company to use weather you’re a new company wanting to find someone to advertise your company for you, to create promotional videos or for them to create digital websites.

Devise your own new media production company


As I felt that the logo was rather bland I then went on to adding a picture to the name. As my company will be based in New York, I decided to include the Empire state building.


Brief outline of my business

What work will I do? 

I will be providing and creating a company where it teaches and runs courses for all young adults to elderly, whether they have experience in the media industry or not, anyone can can take the course. I will run many courses that focus in certain fields in the industry such as Radio, Visual Fx etc. These courses will be of the duration of about 5 days long – Monday to Friday and each session will be for 2 hours. The price range will vary, as I have done my research on other companies that provide workshops, that are for only one day and their prices are in the hundreds. As for my courses that my company will provide will be between £500-£1000 depending on what courses they enrol on to.


Investigate the Exeter based company Illicit Web design ( what do they do? Who have they worked for? Produce a short Blog Post about them.

Illicit Web design in Exeter started off as a small company but now have grown over the years to the point where they’re so large that they have clients all over the UK as well as overseas in different countries of the world. They also work with not just large companies either, they help and assist small companies as well no matter how small the budget.

They have worked for Airport Suppliers who are basically a marketing website connecting airport suppliers and buyers together. Illicit web design as created and designed their website with great style.

They don’t only create websites for their clients, they create and design flyers, graphic etc. Like they did for the board basement of which they host and provide their own magazine, flyers where they sell snowboards and other equipment.

Illicit web design also create a range of other services from outdoor signage to flyers, to even creating and designing a website to your specific instructions.

Now imagine you are planning to set up your own Media Production website and you are going to ask Illicit Web Design to do the work for you. Using your research for Part 1 write a 250-500 word e-mail to Illicit Web Design outlining what you want from your new website.

To whom it may concern,

I have read a lot about your company and the amazing projects you’ve created over the past and I am very impressed! My name is Nathanael Dalton, the founder of a Media workshop company in New York called The Project where we run lessons for anyone interested in creating products where they put their name on the project. The courses vary from Creating your own Radio Show to learning how to create your very own special effects in Post production. As we are a fairly recent company we haven’t had the time to look for a great company like yourselves to create and design a website. If you could give me a quote for the following:

Colour Scheme –  The Colour set that I would like to keep is white and black where the text is to keep slick and vibrancy within the personality of the website. But It also will need to be quirky and show some attributes to show its creativity and sparkle.  I will also like to include some imagery of our workshops on what we do. I will attach the photographs  in this email.

Services – The Project provides 100% flexibility for its students who take part in the workshops, we would like this to be included in the website when they wish to enrol to one of our courses that we run. We’d like them to be able to choose what weeks they are able to attend as well as hours. This could be shown by a calendar that our clients could use on the website.

Animations –  I’d love there to be sleek and smooth animations that all flow and connect like puzzle pieces such as using the inspiration by your own website such as scrolling down, things appear and slide into place but unravel as you scroll back up to the page.

Social Media – In the modern age Social media is the best way to reach clients and advertise work. We would love to show this off too! We would love our visitors to be able to visit our Vimeo ,Facebook,Instagram and many other platforms as we host multiple free trial events for people to know what it its like to be emerged in the world of media production.



The exciting Evaluation

For this Interactive unit we were told to create and design our own website and company. professional-website-designer-2.gifMy company development was rather difficult as I initially put together because I was providing way too many services:

  • Camera Hire
  • Radio Production
  • Film Production
  • Camera Cleaning
  • Advertising
  • Selling music and Camera equipment

As I was providing so much I wasn’t really focusing on one thing that I would specialise in. As I was finding the work load too much I spoke to one my my teachers about it and they advised to focus on one thing only and not to do too much as it can overload everything.1475324260_tumblr_n6k0aga55E1s1mjc5o1_500.gif

So with having to start over again, I thought of something simple but unique. So I looked at what our local business sup the road that do multiple things in the Media Industry – Exeter Phoenix. I looked on their website and it shows many workshops that they do from radio to media production. As they had a broad range of workshops that they provide for students to small companies to learn how to grow and advertise themselves, I also did my research and found out how much their prices were etc. After finally knowing and seeing a newer idea for my website and company i was happy and excited to actually get going with work! giphy

I used Wix to create my own website and found a template that was rather simple but had personality and sleekness. After creating and finalising everything I ended up being so pleased witk5nJaoi.gifh it that everything tied together to well that it was like. The name I can up with was called : The Project and the slogan – “You make It, We help.” Also the whole initial of the idea of the workshop company is so that its flexible and great for our clients as they can put their own name on The Project . The email I sent to Illicit web design I didn’t struggle with as I felt emerged in the imaginary situation of me actually being a founder of a company and wanting to be a client of theirs. With my email done and logo and company design completed I felt like a rich man. And now time to compare my company to someone else in the class. comics-Dave-McElfatrick-poor-rich-Leonardo-dicaprio.gif

The Front page : Screenshot 2017-02-27 at 15.11.16.png

The First thing that is noticeable is the Simplicity in the two front pages. Both have Personalities of which you can see if difference between the two. The class mates company that I’ve chosen to compare is call OSM – One Sound media, I’ve looked and navigated through their website and they seem to provide sound libraries and sound equipment rental for those who wish to create foley or record sound during filming. As for my Company we provide very different services compared to theirs as you can tell we run workshops which we teach those who wish to enrol and OSM provide for those who already know how to do things in production.

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The colour schemes are different to one another, I personally feel that mine is more vibrant and easy to see. As for their front page the background and dark blue doesn’t really fit with one another as you have to sort of look twice to see what the logo is.

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